Backyard Dreams Crumble: Quarter-Acre Block a Fantasy, Says Liverpool Mayor

Monday, 19 February 2024

The iconic Aussie dream of owning a spacious quarter-acre block might be fading faster than a summer sunset, with Liverpool Mayor Ned Mannoun declaring it "now a fantasy."

His blunt statement comes amid skyrocketing building costs, with the Bureau of Statistics reporting a staggering $60,000 increase in just one year. "Land isn't the issue – we have plenty in Australia," Mr. Mannoun told Sky News Australia. "But development is getting choked by red tape."

He points the finger at government agencies like Sydney Water and Transport for New South Wales, accusing them of restricting housing supply through their policies. "These restrictions are pushing the dream further and further out of reach for ordinary Australians," he lamented.

While some might argue the quarter-acre block dream was always a privilege, not a guarantee, Mr. Mannoun emphasizes its impact on accessibility and affordability. "Owning a home with a backyard used to be a realistic aspiration for many families," he says. "Now, it's becoming a luxury reserved for the few."

The Mayor's comments ignite a debate that's been simmering for years: can the Aussie dream survive in the face of rising costs and tightening regulations? While some advocate for alternative housing models and denser development, others cling to the traditional image of a sprawling backyard.

One thing's for sure: the quarter-acre block fantasy is facing a harsh reality check. Whether it's a complete write-off or a chance for a more inclusive dream remains to be seen. But one thing's clear: the conversation about housing affordability in Australia is far from over.

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