Challa Acikkol

Senior Property Manager
Real Estate Agent In Windsor

Last updated on Saturday, January 06, 2024

Properties Sales Statistics

Years of experience

About Challa Acikkol - Real Estate Agent

Challa, a dedicated professional with a rich background in the building and construction industries, brings a unique blend of expertise to the Australian real estate market. Despite her Turkish heritage, she has spent her entire life in Australia, making her well-versed in the local market dynamics. Challa's qualifications include a real estate agent license, showcasing her unwavering commitment to the field.

With a distinguished 12-year career in the real estate industry, Challa has predominantly served as a Senior Property Manager at Buxton Stonnington. Her remarkable success is highlighted by her consistent achievement of the Highest Performer award for six consecutive years, a testament to her outstanding performance. Additionally, she was honored with the prestigious Employee of the Year award during her tenure with the company. Challa's dedication to providing exceptional service and building strong relationships with both renters and rental providers sets her apart in the industry.

While briefly stepping away from real estate to serve as the Chief Operating Officer for a National Building and Construction company, Challa gained valuable insights into a different facet of the industry. However, her unwavering passion for real estate drew her back, where she excels in roles that demand strong communication skills, strategic planning, and compassion.

Beyond her professional life, Challa is a well-rounded individual with a deep appreciation for her European heritage, participating in large family events. She's also a food connoisseur, exploring new restaurants across the country, a theatre enthusiast, and an avid traveler. Her diverse interests reflect her commitment to enjoying life to the fullest.

Challa's unique blend of professional excellence and personal passions make her an invaluable member of the Buxton Stonnington team. As a Senior Property Manager, she ensures that both renters and rental providers have a positive and rewarding experience in the real estate market. Challa is a trusted leader who continues to excel in her role, creating lasting connections and delivering exceptional results.

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Properties By Challa Acikkol

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Properties for sale by Challa Acikkol
Properties for rent by Challa Acikkol
Properties sold by Challa Acikkol

Contact Challa Acikkol at Buxton - Stonnington

Challa Acikkol

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