Juliana Glinellis

Property Manager
Real Estate Agent In Kogarah

Last updated on Tuesday, April 23, 2024

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About Juliana Glinellis - Real Estate Agent

1.  What makes you laugh the most? 

The friends episode where Ross finds out about Chandler and Monica - absolute comedic gold, but any episode will do!

2. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? 

Spend the day at Disneyland.

3. What is your favourite thing about your career?

No two days are the same, never a dull moment in property management!

4. What is your favourite holiday destination? 

Athens in Greece. The most underrated place in all of Greece. So much history, the best authentic food, a great nightlife, lots of shopping and lovely people.

5. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island?

Tom hanks, he managed to survive in Cast Away, so I'll stick with him haha.

6. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?

1994, I would love to see what life was like the year I was born.

7. If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

My mum, sisters and my grandfather who passed away a few years ago. My sisters and I had a special bond with him as he practically raised us while mum and dad were working. My mum was very close to her dad so to sit down all together one more time and tell him what's happened since he's been gone would be a dream, we miss him so much.

8. What's your favourite family recipe?

Mum makes my favourite greek dish - Hilopites, which is small pasta squares in a rich red sauce and chicken. YUM.

9. What is your favourite game or sport to watch and play? 

Favourite sport to watch is rugby league, dad used to take me to games from when I was a little girl (big Canterbury supporter) and my favourite sport to play is Basketball, I represented my school and NSW in a tournament in Adelaide when I was 16.

10. Who is your hero?

My mum, she is the most selfless, hard worker I have ever known. Even if she hasn't had much, she has given us everything she has.

Connect with Juliana Glinellis on social media LinkedIn.

Properties By Juliana Glinellis

Here are the lists that contain all properties Juliana Glinellis have sold and listed on realsearch.com.au.

Juliana Glinellis is a part of team at Morrin Property located at Shop 2, 218-220 Railway PDE, KOGARAH, NSW 2217 has 3 properties for rent.

Properties for sale by Juliana Glinellis
3 Properties for rent by Juliana Glinellis
Properties sold by Juliana Glinellis

Contact Juliana Glinellis at Morrin Property

Juliana Glinellis

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