Melanie Griffiths

Property Manager
Real Estate Agent In Mentone

Last updated on Friday, October 27, 2023

About Melanie Griffiths - Real Estate Agent

One of Melanie's favourite aspects of her job is interacting with the community. She appreciates the friendly atmosphere and enjoys walking up and down the streets, where she can engage with the welcoming residents. Building connections and fostering positive relationships is something that brings Melanie joy and fulfilment.

Melanie's career in real estate happened by chance. As she was selling her own property, the agent she worked with recognised her potential and suggested that she would excel in the field. Intrigued by the idea, Melanie decided to give real estate a try and soon discovered her passion for the industry.

While Melanie's primary focus is on her real estate career, she is not currently involved in community service, volunteer work, or club memberships. Her dedication is primarily directed towards providing excellent service to her clients and helping them with their leasing needs.

Outside of work, Melanie enjoys indulging in hobbies such as playing mahjong, ballroom dancing, and engaging in long stitch projects. These activities provide her with relaxation, creativity, and a well-rounded lifestyle.

Melanie is a dedicated professional who values the importance of maintaining a balance between her real estate career and her cherished family life. With a loving marriage and two wonderful children, her personal life brings her immense joy and happiness. She strives to create a harmonious blend of career success and cherished moments with her loved ones.

Connect with Melanie Griffiths on social media Facebook, LinkedIn.

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Properties By Melanie Griffiths

Here are the lists that contain all properties Melanie Griffiths have sold and listed on

Properties for sale by Melanie Griffiths
Properties for rent by Melanie Griffiths
Properties sold by Melanie Griffiths

Contact Melanie Griffiths at Barry Plant Bayside - Property Management

Melanie Griffiths

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