Property Profile Report

Property Profile Report also known as Property Appraisal Report provides detailed information about residence to help in identifying various aspects of properties in Australia. Property Profile Report is bifurcated in various modules like Property Details, Estimated Property Value, Property Activity, Property Sale History, Property Rent History, Recently Sold Properties nearby property, Properties For Sale nearby property, Properties for Rent nearby property, Suburb Insights and many other. These are latest available information at the time of generating report.
Manufacturer: Real Search

About Property Profile Report

When you need residential property details, you will surely want it immediately. We bring this information to you instantly using property profile report. Generally every individual go through few steps while purchasing property. It contains vital information about property and its ownership.

What is Property Profile Report in Real Estate?

A Property Profile Report also termed as Property Appraisal Report is snapshot of the monetary information of property and its nearby property as well. It will be at help in determining current market trends in which the property is being sold in Australia.

What are the benefits of a Property Profile Report in Real Estate Deals?

Property Profile Report is the first thing you will want to go through before dealing with property in Australia. You would get information and insights about various aspects of the property and Australian market in which the property is being dealt.

Who should use Property Profile Report?

This report is an essential for buyers and sellers providing you to understand more about an individual residential property and the market it is being sold in.

What do I receive?

This report contains (where available):

  • Property Details
  • Property Photos and Map
  • Property Floor Plan
  • Estimated Property Value & Value Range
  • Property Activity
  • Property Sale History
  • Property Listing History
  • Property Rental History
  • Recently Sold Properties
  • Properties Currently For Sale
  • Properties Currently For Rent
  • Local School Details
  • Suburb Insights
    • Number of Sales
    • Median Value
    • Change in Median Value
    • Number Sold By Price
    • Median Days On Market
    • Median Vendor Discount
    • Median Asking Rent
    • Indicative Gross Rental Yield

Property Price Information

It includes price forecast on listed properties, and price spans on those that are unlisted.

Suburb Insights

Find out more about how the suburb's doing in the property market, including how house and unit prices have changed over the past few years.

Comparable sales results

You will get list of recently sold properties in the area, picked focusing on property features, recent sales and location.

Sales and rental history

Get the sale and rental history for the property you are interested in, including price and sale type.

How do I receive this report?

A link to the report will be delivered to your nominated email address so you may download the report hassle free at your own convenience.

For any query you can always contact us.

Existing reviews
Property Profile Report : Property evaluation using vital information
Property Profile Report contains all required information for getting detailed idea about property market and property itself. It was very useful for me as buyer. It helped a lot in analyzing various aspects of property itself and market.
| 17/1/2021 7:42 am
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    Our service utilises AI search capabilities based on publicly available indexed data for non-commercial purposes and testing phase. The above information is an excerpt from publicly available data and may be subject to errors or changes. makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy of this data. Please consult the Agency/Agents directly for the most up-to-date information.