San Kansal

Sales Director
Real Estate Agent In Clayton

Last updated on Saturday, October 14, 2023

Properties Sales Statistics

Years of experience

About San Kansal - Real Estate Agent

San is highly motivated and passionate towards his work and has a drive to succeed. He has wealth of knowledge from different industries and professions and has been involved in sales and customer service for over 15 years.

He studied Banking and Finance and with his vast work experience, it has helped him grow and possess excellent customer service, sales and communication skills. All of these values are very essential to excel in Real Estate Industry.

His passion for selling homes and providing the best guidance to his clients has grown day by day. His professionalism and experience when combined with his empathy and patience, makes him one of the most valuable members of our team. One of his best qualities are his communication skills and attention to detail.

His Indian background helps him immensely and allows him to mix with different cultures. He has a unique skill of negotiating and resolving complex situations with ease.

Always ready for a laugh and lives his life to the fullest, not taking life too seriously. He has a perfect balance between home and work life.

In his spare time he likes listening to music and spend time with his family and be involved with different sports, especially AFL. You’ll always see him proudly cheering for the Almighty Collingwood Magpies!

Skills & expertise

San Kansal has been in the industry since 2015.

Connect with San Kansal on social media Facebook.

Properties By San Kansal

Here are the lists that contain all properties San Kansal have sold and listed on

Properties for sale by San Kansal
Properties for rent by San Kansal
Properties sold by San Kansal

Contact San Kansal at exSELL - CLAYTON

San Kansal

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