Tam Huynh

Director | L.E.A
Real Estate Agent In Deanside

Last updated on Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Properties Sales Statistics

Years of experience
Sold properties

About Tam Huynh - Real Estate Agent

I am a highly skilled and experienced real estate agent with a diverse background in accounting, commercial management, and rental property management. With a Master's degree in Accounting and a Master's degree in Commercial Management, I bring a unique blend of financial expertise and business acumen to the real estate industry.

Having previously worked in the import and export industry, I have developed a keen understanding of market trends and the importance of effective negotiation. This experience has honed my ability to identify lucrative investment opportunities and provide valuable insights to clients looking to buy or sell properties.

With three years of experience in rental property management, I have successfully handled a wide range of properties, from residential homes to commercial spaces. My expertise in this area allows me to effectively market rental properties, screen potential tenants, and ensure smooth and profitable lease agreements for property owners.

As a business development manager, I have a proven track record of building strong relationships with clients and stakeholders. I understand the importance of effective communication, attention to detail, and providing exceptional customer service. I am dedicated to understanding my clients' needs and goals, and I work tirelessly to exceed their expectations.

Outside of my professional life, I have a passion for travel and tennis. These interests have taught me the value of adaptability, perseverance, and a strong work ethic. I bring these qualities to my real estate practice, ensuring that I am always up to date with the latest market trends and providing my clients with the highest level of service.

Whether you are looking to buy, sell, or rent a property, I am committed to guiding you through the process with professionalism, integrity, and a personalized approach. Contact me today, and let's make your real estate goals a reality.

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Properties for Sale and Recently Sold by Tam Huynh, Realty Finder Group - Deanside

St Albans

1 properties sold

Properties By Tam Huynh

Here are the lists that contain all properties Tam Huynh have sold and listed on realsearch.com.au.

Tam Huynh is a part of team at Realty Finder Group located at 14 Starke Street, DEANSIDE, VIC 3336 has sold 1 properties in the last 12 months.

Properties for sale by Tam Huynh
Properties for rent by Tam Huynh
1 Property sold by Tam Huynh

Contact Tam Huynh at Realty Finder Group

Tam Huynh

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