Discover the Latest Developments and Amenities in Australind WA 6233

Discover the Latest Developments and Amenities in Australind WA 6233

Australind WA 6233 has undergone a remarkable transformation from 2016 to 2023. The suburb has seen significant growth and development, with new residential and commercial properties being constructed. The area has also seen an influx of new residents, drawn to the suburb's proximity to the beach and its family-friendly atmosphere.

One of the most noticeable changes in Australind has been the construction of new homes. In 2016, there were a number of vacant blocks of land in the suburb. However, by 2023, these blocks have been filled with new homes, ranging from small cottages to large family homes. The new homes have brought new residents to the area, which has helped to create a more vibrant and lively community.

Another significant change in Australind has been the development of new commercial properties. In 2016, there were only a few shops and restaurants in the suburb. However, by 2023, a number of new businesses have opened up, including a supermarket, a pharmacy, and a cafe. The new businesses have helped to create more jobs in the area and have made it more convenient for residents to shop and dine locally.

The influx of new residents and businesses has also led to an increase in traffic in Australind. In 2016, the roads in the suburb were relatively quiet. However, by 2023, the roads are much busier, especially during peak hour. The increased traffic has led to some congestion, but it has also made it easier for residents to get around the suburb.


Overall, Australind has undergone a significant transformation from 2016 to 2023. The suburb has seen significant growth and development, and it is now a more vibrant and lively place to live. The new homes, businesses, and residents have all contributed to the suburb's transformation, and it is likely that Australind will continue to change and grow in the years to come.

Recent Developments:

One of the most significant recent developments in Australind is the completion of the Australind Bypass. This major infrastructure project has significantly improved the suburb, making it easier for residents to commute to nearby towns and cities. The bypass has also opened up new land for development, leading to the construction of new homes, businesses, and amenities.

Another major development in Australind is the construction of the new Australind Shopping Centre. This modern shopping centre features a wide range of shops, restaurants, and services, providing residents with convenient access to all their everyday needs. The shopping centre has also created new jobs and opportunities for local businesses.



Australind is home to a wide range of amenities that cater to the needs of its residents. These include:

  • Schools: Australind has a number of excellent schools, including Australind Primary School, Australind Senior High School, and the Australind Christian College. Australind is served by a number of medical facilities, including the Australind Medical Centre, the Australind Dental Centre, and the Australind Pharmacy. Australind has a variety of shops, including the Australind Shopping Centre, the Australind Village Shopping Centre, and the Australind Homemaker Centre. Australind has a number of restaurants, cafes, and bars, including the Australind Hotel, the Australind RSL Club, and the Australind Bowling Club. Australind has a number of parks, playgrounds, and sporting facilities, including the Australind Recreation Centre, the Australind Golf Course, and the Australind Bowling Club.


Australind is a vibrant community with a strong sense of community spirit. There are a number of community groups and organisations that provide opportunities for residents to get involved and connect with each other. These include the Australind Community Association, the Australind Lions Club, and the Australind Rotary Club.

Property Market:

The property market in Australind is strong, with steadily increasing over the past few years. The median house price in Australind is currently $450,000, while the median unit price is $350,000. Australind is a suburb that offers a great lifestyle and a strong investment opportunity. With its recent developments and strong sense of community, Australind is a suburb that is sure to continue to grow and prosper in the years to come.

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